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Terminus Series 1 ZLC | OFF+

 170,00 Iva inclusa

off+ / almost rigid

limba, kotò, Zylon Carbon, AYOUS, Zylon Carbon, Kotò, limba

Gr: 88

Thickness: 5,9




This blade was designed in cooperation with an important Eastern Europe trainer and seller. Great dynamism and precision in fast shots was looked for together with great feeling in slow shots as well.

A precious Zylon Carbon layer, that increases the power and the “sweet spot” maintaining the same feeling of an all-round blade, was glued to an ayous core. Its outer layers (kotò and limba) give great feeling and spin in particular if this blade is used with last generation rubbers, mostly with those whose hardness is about 45°.

Being almost stiff it is suitable for “third ball attack” players or for those who use pimples out on their backhand. Anyway its special structure allows this blade to produce very good loops with great feeling in middle distance play as well.

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Additional Information
Dimensione piatto / Plate size

Allround – 153×160, Standard new 150×157

Forma del manico / Handle shape

flared, Pen Hold, straight (27mm wide), straight (30mm wide)

Materiale del manico / Handle Material

Kiri (Paulownia), Oak